Siemens Digital Industries Software Jobs

Job Information

EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians and 2 workers needed, Burbank, Pasco, Kennewick, WA in Burbank, Washington


Oficial JOB ORDER Témplate





This job opportunity is limited to qualified, available workers that are currently eligible to work in the United States, per federal regulation.

Esta oportunidad de trabajo está limitada a trabajadores calificados y disponibles que actualmente son elegibles para trabajar en los Estados Unidos, según la regulación federal.

Work Tasks to be performed

·         Job description for Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service Technicians.

·         Crops: Apples, cherries, and grapes(trees and vines).

·         The primary responsibilities of this position include ensuring equipment operates at optimal

levels, diagnosing and repairing mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic issues, and performing

necessary repairs. It also involves conducting preventive maintenance as per company and

manufacturer guidelines, keeping accurate repair records, and operating various types of

heavy and light equipment such as tractors, trucks, and loaders. The role requires performing

welding, acetylene burning, brazing, and soldering when needed, as well as general labor and

cleaning tasks related to equipment maintenance. Additionally, maintaining a safe, organized

work environment is essential for efficient performance.



  1. Cares for trees and vines throughout the growing season:

a. Props or ties branches or limbs as needed.

b. Removal of damaged trees or vines due to weather events

  1. Maintains planting fields:

a. Establishes and maintains new plantings and preps land by removal of existing trees and trellis systems.

i.Planting new trees or grapevines in open fields

ii.Planting new trees or grapevines in existing fields

b. Weeding, hoeing, clearing brush, clearing cuttings, clearing tumbleweeds, trunk painting, spreading fertilizer by hand.

c. Mowing grass or weeds

d. Raking and digging

3.Maintains irrigation system.

a. Operate a variety of irrigation systems including changing, operating, or repairing valves to meet crop needs based on environmental/climatic changes as instructed.

b. Repair sprinklers on overhead cooling system, drip systems, and under tree systems including plugs, broken heads, or broken pipes/lines.

Tareas Específicas en el Trabajo

·         Descripción de puestos de Mecánicos y Técnicos de Servicio de Equipos Agrícolas.

·         Cultivos: Manzanas, cerezas y uvas (árboles y vides).

·         Las responsabilidades principales de este puesto incluyen garantizar que el equipo funcione en condiciones óptimas.

niveles, diagnosticar y reparar problemas mecánicos, eléctricos e hidráulicos, y realizar

reparaciones necesarias. También implica realizar un mantenimiento preventivo según la empresa y

pautas del fabricante, mantener registros de reparación precisos y operar varios tipos de

Equipos pesados y livianos como tractores, camiones y cargadores. El rol requiere desempeñar

soldadura, quemado de acetileno, soldadura fuerte y soldadura fuerte cuando sea necesario, así como mano de obra general y

Tareas de limpiez
