Job Information
Waikele Farms, Inc. Field Worker in Kunia, Hawaii
Field Worker Position(s).(100) Temporary, Full-time positions for the period of February 1, 2025,through October 31, 2025.Approximately 35 hours per week, anticipated days andhours of work are Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm.
Waikele Farms is a grower engaged in thefarming of a variety of fruits and vegetables in Honolulu County, Hawaii.Employees must report for work when and where scheduled and be physically andmentally ready to work. Workers should anticipate working each workday fromMonday through Friday (schedule includes meals an breaks). Depending onweather, field conditions and availability of
labor, workers must remain flexible and beable and willing to work varying hours since planned work schedules may changeand employees may begin their workdays at earlier or later hours. Overtime maybe requested. Workers may be offered more hours than listed in this job orderon any day of the week, including the Sabbath, weekends or Federal holidays.Employees might experience a temporary reduction in work and/or temporary workstoppage due to inclement weather such as rain, or natural agricultural cycle.
Daily individual work assignments will bemade by, and at the sole discretion of, the Company as the needs of theagricultural operation dictate. Workers must perform the assigned work at theassigned filed site, and may not switch assignments or field site without thespecific authorization of a company supervisor.
Job Duties:
Perform duties associated with seasonalfarming and harvesting of fruits and vegetables in support of a diversifiedcrop farming operation. The position frequently requires workers to manuallyplant, cultivate and harvest vegetables and fruits by hand and place them intobuckets, bins or other similar containers; stack cartons and/or transferproducts to grading and conveyor/harvesting belts; transplant, weed, thinand/or prune crops; participate in irrigation activities; operate tractors,forklifts,
all-terrain vehicles, and other farmmachinery; prepare cartons and pallets for field harvesting; performmaintenance work on farm equipment, machinery, produce transport bins, andirrigation repairs. Qualifying candidates may also drive farm vans to assistthe company transport H-2A and U.S. corresponding employees between the fieldsand housing. Workers may also be assigned additional duties that relate tofieldwork, such as cutting, picking, hoeing, shoveling, ground preparation,handle,
clean and wash crops, load and store andengage in other agricultural duties that are performed on a farm, meet thedefinition of IRS and FLSA agricultural labor and/or are incidental to the workperformed. Employer will provide tools and equipment necessary to perform allrequired tasks at no cost to employees. Work is performed outdoors and caninvolve exposure to extreme hot and cold temperatures, bright sunlight, cloudy,windy or rainy conditions, mud and dust, low light, and exposure to plantpollens, insects, snakes, rodents, noxious plants and/or plant materials thathave been treated with insect and/or disease control spray. Workers must walkin variable soil conditions. Workers should come prepared with appropriateclothing and footwear for the working conditions described. Workers must useall required personal protective clothing and equipment. Workers must adhere toall health and safety rules and observing all warning signs, safety bulletins,safety training, and other safety directives required by the employer or statelaw.
Qualified applicants must possess at leastthree (3) months of recent agricultural crop harvesting experience. Allqualified applicants must have the authorization to work in the United States,be willing to perform the agricultural duties as described in this job orderand be able to meet the physical demands of the position and the employer'swork schedule with or without reasonable accommodation.
Training will be provided to workers withregard to state and federal food s fety protocols. Workers will receive fivedays of training for each relevant crop activity from each worker's initialstart day in such work activity. Employees are also paid for continuous safety trainingsessions every two to three weeks after they clock in for work.
Rate of Pay:
The employer will pay a wage that is thehighest of the Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR), the prevailing hourly wage orpiece rate, the agreed-upon collective bargaining wage, or the Federal or Stateminimum wage, except where a special procedure is approved for an occupation orspecific class of agricultural employment. The employer will pay the AEWR of$20.08 per hour of work and $30.12 per hour when employees qualify for overtimepay under Hawaii law. If the prevailing wage or AEWR increases during the contractperiod, the employer will pay the correct wage rate after written notice isreceived from the Department of Labor. The employer reserves the right tocompensate U.S. corresponding workers at higher wage rates based upon tenureand other objective criteria.
The employer will abide by Hawaii wageand hour rules relating to agricultural labor, including overtime rules.
Provision of Housing:
Employer agrees to provide or secure housing for the H-2A workersand those workers in corresponding employment who are not reasonably able toreturn to their residence at the end of the work day. That housing complieswith the applicable local, State, and/or Federal standards and is sufficient tohouse the specified number of workers requested through the clearance system.The employer will provide the housing without charge to the worker. Any chargesfor rental housing will be paid directly by the employer to the owner oroperator of the housing. If public accommodations or public housing areprovided to workers, the employer agrees to pay all housing-related chargesdirectly to the housing's management. The employer agrees that charges in theform of deposits for bedding or other similar incidentals related to housing(e.g., utilities) must not be levied upon workers. However, the employer mayrequire workers to reimburse them for damage caused to housing by theindividual worker(s) found to have been responsible for damage which is not theresult of normal wear and tear related to habitation. When it is the prevailingpractice in the area of intended employment and the occupation to providefamily housing, the employer agrees to provide family housing at no cost toworkers with families who request it.
Housing and utilities will be provided at nocost to eligible to H-2A nonimmigrant workers and U.S. corresponding employeeswho live outside the area of Honolulu County and are unable to commute to
and from their permanent residence eachworkday Housing is a 6,600 sq. ft. complex with centralized cooking facilities,a dining hall, showers, toilets and wash sinks, a recreation room, community