Siemens Digital Industries Software Jobs

Job Information

Amazon Area Manager, Inbound Central Operation in Nagareyama, Japan





アマゾンの物流拠点であるフルフィルメントセンター(以下FC) は全国に20か所以上あり、それぞれにInbound(入荷)、Outbound(出荷)、およびQuality Assurance (品質保証)チームが存在し、担当する工程の管理業務を行っています。

Inbound Central Operation は、全国FCの入荷に関する中央管制塔として、FCネットワーク全体の入荷量や在庫量・入荷プロセスを管理・運営するTeamであり、また全国FCの入荷の仕組みを創造/構築する重要な役割を担っています。








*The location of this position is Nagareyama City, Chiba Prefecture.

Inbound Central Operation

Amazon's Fulfillment Centers (FCs) and Cross Dock centers (IXD) are located in over 30 locations across Japan, with each center having Inbound, Outbound, and Quality Assurance teams responsible for managing our respective processes.

Inbound Central Operation team functions as a central control tower for the inbound operations of FCs nationwide, managing and overseeing the entire FC/IXD network's inbound volume, inventory levels, and inbound processes. Additionally, our team plays a crucial role in creating and building the inbound systems for FCs and IXDs across the country.

Job Description

This position involves remotely managing the daily inbound volume and inventory progress across multiple locations, leading projects to solve issues that arise across the network, and implementing new tools.

Position Highlights

1) Scope of Work:

You will oversee the flow of goods at FCs and IXDs nationwide, collaborate with various upstream and downstream stakeholders to make decisions that optimize the entire network, and play a key role in building future systems. This is a position with significant discretion, leading the entire national network.

2) Building New Mechanisms:

This innovative role focuses on developing mechanisms for inbound management aimed at future operations. You will provide permanent solutions to network-level issues, review the design of upcoming equipment and tools, and contribute to the development of future operational processes.

Key job responsibilities

■オペレーション管理 50%




■業務上で発生したトラブルや問題の解決 30%




■ピークに備えたオペレーションの準備 10%




■リスク評価 & 新規オペレーションデザイン 10%









※Amazon は多様かつインクルーシブな職場づくりを目指しています。Amazonは男女雇用機会均等法を順守しています。人種、 出身国、性別、性的指向、障がい、年齢、その他の属性によって差別することなく、平等に採用選考の機会を提供しています。障がいをお持ちの方は、以下をご覧ください。


Working Style

This position follows a shift schedule that includes weekends and holidays. Currently, shifts are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (8-hour shifts during the day), though there may be future adjustments to shift times, including the potential for night shifts. Business trips are also required when necessary for project support and site visits, but the role allows for a well-balanced approach, supporting work-life harmony.

For more details about the department, please refer to the links below:

Fulfillment Center (FC) Introduction:

Operations Role Introduction:

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Initiatives:

※Amazon is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace and adheres to the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. We provide equal hiring opportunities without discrimination based on race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or other attributes. For applicants with disabilities, please refer to the following:

For details regarding measures to prevent passive smoking in the workplace, please refer to the link below.

About the team.

A day in the life

Key job responsibilities

1) Operations Management 50%

2) Resolving Operational Troubles and Issues 30%

3) Peak Operation Preparation 10%

4) Risk Assessment & New Operation Design 10%

About the team

Basic Qualifications

  • Japanese Version

  • 4年制大学学士号または同等の業務経験

  • ビジネスレベルの日本語力

  • PCスキル初級(四則演算ができるレベル)

  • English Version

  • Bachelor’s degree from a four-year university or equivalent work experience

  • Business-level Japanese proficiency

  • Basic PC skills (capable of basic arithmetic operations)

Preferred Qualifications

  • 製造・物流小売において人・物・金の流れを数値や指標にて管理

  • 向上させる経験3年以上

  • 複数名のリーダー業務

  • タスク管理業務経験3年以上 (評価、人材育成の経験はあれば尚可)

  • プロジェクトマネジメント経験(プロジェクトの規模は問わない

  • 多部門横断型プロジェクトであれば尚可)

  • 部下マネジメント経験

  • PCスキル マクロやプログラミングスキルを保有されている方

  • 統計・予測・分析手法の経験がある方

  • 主体性を持って業務改善を実行し、数値で実績を管理した経験(継続性を持ち、業務における生産性・品質の向上を行ってきた方)

  • 自身の業務を数値・指標にて管理した経験。(指標が目標に対し、どのように機能しているかを分析・それを元にアクションの起こせる方)

  • ビジネスレベルの英語力

  • インクルーシブなカルチャーへの貢献や多様性に富んだグループで働くことに対して前向きであること
